
The healthcare industry is fraught with repetitive tasks: document collection, scheduling and rescheduling, patient correspondence and reviews, preparing spreadsheets and reports, and duplicate data entry between disconnected systems. We have implemented numerous healthcare solutions, navigated HIPAA environments, and reduced busy work from high paid medical professionals by as much as 90%. We have leveraged solutions for document analysis and data entry, saving hours of medical professional’s time each day, reducing errors, and putting healthcare professionals where they want to be: in front of patients providing better care. Scroll down to learn more about how…

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New Tools to Solve Old Problems

At Cast Services, we can show you a refreshing approach to how you look at systems, technology and human efficiency. Let us help you understand a new perspective on what tasks are critical for the skilled human nuance of your teams, and pick and choose what tasks these new tools can handle for you. With secure systems that can read, think, use computers, and connect to your current systems – it’s time for you to dream instead of waiting for a software provider to bring you a solution on a silver platter.

According to a Cornell Study, leveraging Ai & Automation can lead to a 23%-28% improvement in efficiency.

  • 28% 28%

But, at CAST Services we typically see 20%-60% improvements in efficiencies, regardless of industry we work with.

  • 60% 60%

Building Trust in Digital Transformation

Are you challenged with how to think not just about approaching and understanding these new tools, but also how to effectively implement them while building trust with your team and customers? Here we show you an example of the various timelines and paces that our clients take on their digital transformation journey.


ABC Health Group is introduced to modern Ai & automation solutions, identifying key areas for improvement including patient scheduling, data handling, document processing and resource management.

Month 1

ABC begins an Ai & Automation Operations Assessment to pinpoint opportunities for increased efficiency and reduction in repetitive manual tasks.

Month 2

The assessment concludes, identifying 31 potential high-return projects.

Month 3

ABC leadership decides to implement three selected Ai solutions focused on patient care and administrative automation. These largely focus on current manual, paperwork heavy processes.

Month 4

Development starts on Project 1 – an Ai-driven patient follow-up system aimed at improving response times and treatment adherence, targeting a 30% efficiency gain.

Month 5

Project 1 completes, achieving a 60% time saving in patient follow-ups and administrative tasks. This solution leverages machine vision, Ai, and advanced automation.

Month 6

Project 2 begins – implementing an automated health management system designed to reduce errors and streamline internal pharmacy operations.

Month 8

Project 2 completes, enhancing patient follow-on tracking and delivery efficiency by 40%. Manual errors reduced by 90% for this workflow segment.

Month 9

ABC conducts Ai & Automation training for staff, accelerating the adoption of new technologies. Some nurses are saving 2-3 hours per day after implementation and training of previous projects.

Month 10

Project 3 starts – development of an Ai-powered diagnostic support tool to assist with initial patient assessments.

Month 11

Project 4 starts – integrating Ai into the electronic health records system to optimize data retrieval and entry. HIPAA security needs are met without migrating systems.

12 Months and Beyond...

Ongoing development and integration of Ai tools to support diverse healthcare services, from patient care to backend operations, continuously seeking to improve efficiency and patient outcomes.

Opportunities for Ai & Automation in the Healthcare Industry

Client Contact and Outreach

Account management, sales, billing and underwriting are all departments that need to message, set followup tasks, and create responses. Whether it is 10 or 100 templates or processes, suggestive messaging and intelligent systems can help save you time, money, and give your team back their processing power for more critical and nuanced tasks.

Scheduling and Rescheduling

Whether it is Ai or good old fashioned automation. Scheduling and rescheduling processes can be aided by systems that can interact with online calendars, take and make AI-powered phone calls

AI Voice Integration

Integrating Ai-powered voice assistants can provide clients with instant, accurate responses to their queries, streamline customer service operations, and improve satisfaction by providing 24/7 support.

System Integration

AI facilitates seamless integration of various healthcare systems, enabling better data sharing, real-time updates, and a unified view of client information, which enhances decision-making and operational efficiency.

Email Automation

Automating email communications helps in sending timely reminders, policy updates, and personalized offers to clients, thus maintaining consistent engagement and reducing manual effort.

Contract Review

Integrating Ai-powered voice assistants can provide clients with instant, accurate responses to their queries, streamline customer service operations, and improve satisfaction by providing 24/7 support.

Marketing Content and Articles

AI tools can generate and curate relevant marketing content, such as articles and blog posts, tailored to the interests of the target audience, thus enhancing the company’s online presence and engagement.

Document Requests and Follow-Up

Automation can streamline the process of requesting and following up on necessary documents from clients, ensuring timely collection and reducing the risk of delays in policy issuance or claims processing.

Contact Us

Ready to start your project ?
Contact us today!

E-Mail : [email protected]

What our happy clients say!

Eric Eby I had no idea what I wanted on my website and CAST helped me build something that was so well-thought-out and gave me just what I needed.
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Landon Smith I consistently get asked “who designed your site?” People love it! This was a collaborative effort that was fun, cost effective, and has created tremendous results for our company. The fact that CAST can do this along with SEO, PPC, and other marketing strategies—at this price and with these results—is unreal. I’m so grateful for the entire team.
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Brent Hanson We’ve been working with CAST for years, and are consistently impressed with their innovative strategies and ability to deliver results. They are able to provide market insights and trends, to equip us with tools and tactics to keep us ahead of our competition.
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Why Healthcare companies choose Cast Services to increase their adoption of Ai & Automation

Healthcare companies face significant hurdles when implementing new technologies, such as:

  • Legacy Systems:
    Difficulty integrating with outdated systems.
  • Data Security:
    Ensuring the protection of sensitive client information.
  • Regulatory Compliance:
    Meeting complex industry regulations
  • Operational Disruptions:
    Avoiding interruptions during transitions
  • Cost Constraints:
    Managing high implementation and maintenance costs

Why Cast Services?

  • “We help distill some very complex and nuanced topics and solutions into everyday organizational language and help you see how the ‘art’ of implementation can be more significant than the specific tools used.?
  • You are busy, playing the multidimensional chess game that is organizational leadership. How do you consider augmenting or adjusting your approach to technology implementation while you have an ongoing business and no desire to go through technology changes?
  • We can help – organizations turn to Cast Services because we meet you where you are, and help you see, chart a path, and make rapid progress towards your system goals.
  • Also as you consider how you implement these tools, you have many choices:
    • Internal – if you choose this, Cast can help you – finding, hiring and retaining an AI & Automation leader for your organization can be expensive, and how do you ensure they grow and stay an expert with the pace of changing technology?
    • Hybrid team – Our approach seamlessly blends onsite expertise with remote collaboration, ensuring efficient project delivery and superior results. Combining local talent with global expertise, we offer innovative solutions tailored to your needs. Trust us to be your reliable partner in achieving your goals.
    • External partner(s) – We partner with industry leaders to provide innovative, comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs.

Guiding Clients to Success

Cast Services meets clients where they are by understanding their current situation, challenges, and objectives. Here’s how we guide them towards their goals:

Comprehensive Assessment: We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your existing systems, processes, and objectives. This helps us understand their current state and identify areas for improvement.
Tailored Solutions: Based on the assessment, we develop customized solutions that align with your specific needs, goals, and budget. Whether it’s upgrading legacy systems, enhancing cybersecurity, or streamlining operations, our solutions are tailored to address their unique challenges.

Clear Communication: Throughout the process, we maintain open and transparent communication with you. We explain our recommendations, the benefits of our solutions, and the expected outcomes in clear and understandable terms. We help distill some very complex and nuanced topics and solutions into everyday organizational language and help you see how the ‘art’ of implementation can be more significant than the specific tools used.